Sunday, February 17, 2008

You Lint Licker Inspirational Video

This video was the inspiration of the name of this blog but has nothing to do with this commercial. This blog is about anything I want it to be you lint licker!

This has to be the best commercial!

"The Affair” To Remember: Historically, Orbit commercials have had the brand's lovely British spokeswoman (played by Vanessa Branch) stepping into a situation where someone has a dirty mouth and saving the day by giving them a piece of gum to clean that dirty mouth. However, in the case of "The Affair," which finds a wife confronting her husband and his mistress at his office, the trio featured is rendered incapable of uttering a bad word from the start because they are already chewing Orbit gum—so they are forced to spew the kinds of goofy insults third graders might swap on the playground.

"You son of a biscuit-eating bulldog!" the wife yells at her husband as she barges into his office to have at him and the other woman, who happens to be a co-worker of his.

"What the French toast?" he responds.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out about your little doo-doo head cootie queen?" she asks.

"Who are you calling a cootie queen, you lint licker!" the other woman angrily retorts.

"Pickle you, kumquat!" the wife shouts back. The bickering continues, with the wife eventually dumping a box of car parts at her husband's feet. Turns out she put his prized convertible through the wood chipper in a fit of rage.

The Orbit spokeswoman suddenly pops up in the midst of the heated exchange. "Fabulous. New Orbit raspberry mint cleans another dirty mouth," she proclaims.

The trio stops trading barbs long enough to flash smiles at the camera, then the fighting ensues in the background as the tagline "For a good clean feeling no matter what" appears on the screen.

Howard J. Rosen as the philandering husband, Jane E. McPherson as his angry wife and Jessica M. Lee as his defensive mistress.

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