Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Evernote (Beta) - Remember EVERYTHING!


Evernote is a new program (to me) that helps you remember, hmm, can't remember now, oh yeah, EVERYTHING! It's amazing!

"Evernote allows you to easily capture information in any environment using whatever device or platform you find most convenient, and makes this information accessible and searchable at anytime, from anywhere."

Start remembering EVERYTHING, Download it today!

I have 20 invites for the first 20 that leave a comment asking for a EVERNOTE friend invite.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rocker David Cook Wins American Idol 7 2008





For more on David Cook and all the American Idol contestants head over to Rickey.org

Did the best David win? Take the Poll

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

David Cook, the American Idol 7 Winner!!!


No matter if David Cook actually wins or not the title "American Idol", he still is an American Idol, even though HE WILL WIN!

Why do I say "HE WILL WIN!"? Because the American Idol Judges (Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell) made every David Cook fan vote like there is no tomorrow, putting the David Archuleta fans more at ease with there voting.

Want the proof? Right here, DialIdol!


DialIdol has accurately predicted the winner of every American Idol season it has ever covered. So the Winner of American Idol goes to David Cook!!!

Did the Judges plan it this way? Most defiantly! David Cook has been consistent the whole season selling the most on iTunes and having more hits sold. They know that when they praise a contestant, the voting gets eased thinking they will be safe and then they end up going home.So they knocked out David Cook Tuesday to give him the final win on Wednesday. Mark my words!

David Cook FTW!!!